New York State has zero tolerance for drinking and driving. The laws against Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) and Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI) are strictly enforced, and the criminal penalties and license sanctions are life altering. Criminal penalties aren’t always the end of the consequences, either. DWI and DWAI charges can result in criminal penalties and administrative fines, dramatic increases to insurance rates, or cancellation altogether, and driving records can negatively impact future employment.
We understand that in a climate of vigorous prosecution and harsh consequences, defending a DWI charge requires a focused and personalized defense strategy. Casey Law will work with you to ensure that your case is handled properly by the courts. With our experience in handling DWI cases, we are prepared to guide you through all of the charges you may face. Contact us for a free consultation today.
In New York State, being charged with Boating While Intoxicated (BWI) can be just as devastating as a DWI charge. These laws can often leave both the accused and lawyers perplexed. Casey Law is prepared to work with you to navigate through the charges.